Black Diamond Self-Talk

Sunday, November 15, 2009

MLM mistakes

Are mistakes bad? Are mistakes equivalent to failures? Certainly success will not be realized if all we experience is failures. If we are afraid of making mistakes, or having failures, and we don't act, then that too will prevent us from achieving success. Can we do it alone? Or, do we need help? If we share the thoughts, ideas and experiences of others, especially share with those who have achieved some greater level of success than we have, and, they are willing to explain why and show us how, then together we can all improve.

MLM mistakes are especially heart-felt, since we've rekindled our desires and excitement for a better lifestyle. We don't want to make mistakes and ruin our chance.

Maybe, deep down inside, somewhere, we feel we don't really deserve success. Do we inadvertently find important things to do, like organizing that stack of old junk-mail, or email in box, or just one more text message, instead of focusing on the tasks we should be doing, but that somehow scare us?

Are we letting our emotions do the driving, instead of our thoughts? Shouldn't we be thinking things through, at least a little bit, and forming a plan of action, first? Our task would then be clear. We just need to work the next step in our plan.

Do emotions still get in our way? Yes they do. How do we feel? Why do we feel this way? What is causing us to have these emotions? Was it something we just heard on TV? Did someone just cut us off on the road? Are we trying to get too much done, in too short a period of time?

Olympic champions practice for hours and hours every day. Do you think they practice a mistake they've made? Or, do they find a way to slowly, carefully and progressive make corrections and adjust?

We all have only 24 hours in a day. And, in the day we have, only so many moments to make decisions, and takes those steps of action. The more deliberate and focused we are, the more sure-footed we will be.

But, we cannot do it alone. We will imitate a dog, chasing it's tail. We need an outside anchor, friend and mentor. Better yet, a group of differing personalities, openly and honestly sharing with one another.

I am ecstatic that I have found such a group. We bare our soles, without being judged. We strive for self-discovery through mutual brain-storming sessions, seeking those subtle, yet awe-inspiring "AHA!" moments. We experience joy and laughter, tears, goosebumps and chills down our spines.

Please join us, so that together we can be even more.

Your faithful servant,

Tony Koker

Mentoring for Free link can be found on this site: http://

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